I've been reading a fabulous book called
She's Gonna Blow by Julie Ann
Barnhill . It is helping me in so many ways. It's helping me let go of guilt and help myself and find my faith again.
It has taken me a long time to write this post and an even longer time to come to terms with the issue of my anger.
I never used to be angry. I mean, sure, I'd get cheesed off occasionally - who doesn't? But since having kids, I have experienced anger that scares me. Anger that I didn't even know was down inside me.
This is a very, very hard thing for me to confess. I have always been known as a sweet, nice, loving person. I still think I am those things, but there is a darker side of me. A side that sometimes comes out and I can't seem to stop it. I have had to face the fact that it's OK not to be perfect, but letting others know is a big part of that.
My mother was a big
yeller and I know that she regrets it. I hated it as a kid and always swore that I would
not do that to my kids. Yet, after each child, my temper and patience seem to have gotten less and less. I have less tolerance for things that didn't bother me before. I find myself raising my voice far too often.
My dad used to have a very violent temper. He still has a temper, but age has mellowed him some. I remember being terrified of him at times and that is not a good feeling.
These are mistakes I do NOT want to repeat with my kids. I cannot stomach the idea of them growing up and thinking these things about me. This will not be their future.
Yet, some days I go to bed and don't feel happy. I lie awake and beat myself up over things that I've done or said and try to think of ways to make better choices next time. Often, when next time comes - as it eventually does - I don't always make better choices. Sometimes I do, but I often just have a knee jerk reaction.
Maybe it's not everyday. Maybe we can go days and weeks at a time without me blowing my top, but I always know it's there under the surface. Are my kids just waiting for the next time I'm going to lose it?
I could blame the situation. I'm still young, in a stressful situation with 3 very small children. Sure, that's a little tough, but this is my life. I can't go around wailing and moaning about the lot I have. I'm a VERY blessed person. I have a beautiful life and should be grateful every moment for it.
Besides that, these kids didn't ask to be born. We brought them here and it's my obligation and
joy to raise them.
I could go on and on about the things in my past that have made this anger inside me, but the truth is - what difference does it make?
This is who I am. This is my life. This is IT!
Being that I only get one shot at this, I know that I need to do the best I can.
I'm writing this because I know that I'm not alone. I know that other mothers (and fathers) out there are struggling with anger too. Maybe not everyone, but many.
You aren't alone. You aren't the only one who lies in the dark and promises never to do that again. You aren't the only one who trembled with anger and almost went too far. You aren't the only one who grabbed an upper arm too tightly, or laid a child in bed AGAIN none too gently. You aren't the only one who has heard your toddler say,
Don't talk mean to me Mama. and felt your heart break.
You aren't alone.
Reach out. I don't want to be alone either.