Hey you goofy little sweet boy. We like your pictures better without that lifesaver in your mouth. We can see your happy smile better. Wish we were there spoiling you. Love you,
-Grandma W------
She constantly mentions him using a paci. He's only 18 months old for crying out loud!! (oh, and when she's here, she is constantly pulling it out of his mouth. Resulting in him screaming - which is WHY he has it to begin with. I'll deal with it when he gets a little older, but right now, let it be!)
Then, this.
We are traveling to TX for Miney's baptism. We really wanted to do it at home (AL) so that our friends could be there and we could have a party at our home afterwards. However, the godparents (military) couldn't travel that far AND if we do it in TX my FIL (who is studying to be a deacon) can baptise Miney. We thought that was pretty special.
So, we are traveling to Texas even though it will be a pain in the booty. Annnnnyway, my sister lives in the same town and she offered to have a little party for everyone afterwards at their new house. She just had a new baby (3rd) and works full time and they're pretty busy, but she really wants to do this.
No one else said anything about other plans, so I told her yes and she was so excited. I emailed MIL & FIL today and my bil's and sil's telling them about it so they wouldn't make other plans.
MIL just emailed me back (ME only, not cc'ing AnonHim, FIL or bil's and sil's) saying that she was thinking of doing a party too at (surprise, surprise) the same time. AND that it would be better because all of the family could see us and blah blah. But, she guesses she could do it on Sunday instead. (this is her m.o. - passive aggressive city)
My nerves are already shot from thinking about the stress of this trip and every little thing she says is tying a tighter knot in my stomach.
man, it's unbelievable how many MILs are this crazy. does she not remember her OWN MIL?? oy. good luck ignoring the passive aggressive..
Maybe you could pit your MIL against Swistle's in a celebrity deathmatch type scenario.
She needs to realize its YOUR kid and not hers! She had hers leave you the f-ing alone! Make sure you have plenty for her party!! Hey one for all the boys!!! Ha!
I just wanted to share my mil story that happened this wkd. She bought a bunch of clothes at a garage sale and brought them to me. I was in Angelo. So I'm going through them with and she woUld grap like every other one and say this is for my house because you never dress them appro when they come in winter. I want to scream. One time I didn't bring jackets and I'm scared for life. She constantly has that over me. I never do anything like she does and she let's me know. I just want to tell her off but I'm a chicken shit! We get along for the most part but lil things drive me crazy!
Just so you know you aren't alone!
UGH! What a pain! I would have taken those things back. (or wanted to.)
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