Monday, August 25, 2008

The inlaws

1 - Passive aggressive comments about how preschool is for LAZY parents, AFTER I've told you that we're sending Eenie in the spring - not appreciated.

2 - Rude comments about how Head Start is for poor people who don't want to take care of their kids - hurtful - since I just told you that I went to Head Start when I was 4. Poor? Yes we were. I guess we didn't deserve the jumpstart on our education.

3 - Hovering over every diaper change, grabbing things out of my hands and insisting that you can do it better? Annoying. As. Hell.

4 - Your indecision about what to do each day was maddening, until we made suggestions of what we'd like to do. Then, your decision to do the opposite of what we wanted was just annoying, especially since it ended with us having to trek around with 3 littles, in the rain.

5 - Your "cutesy" voice and made up words? Not cute. You're 56 years old. Grow up.

6 - Your comments about Anonymous Him's weight (he's weighed almost the same since high school) were mean. Not to mention he is in fabulous shape and you are fat. WTH?

7 - Your passive aggressive comments have to stop. If you want to say something, just fucking say it.

8 - The way you talk to the kids is just wrong. You are the grandmother, not the mother. I will take care of discipline and such. After all, I'm right here. YOU can spoil them, play with them, whatever. Do not tell my 3 year old not to run away at the zoo because some of the animals might EAT HIM.

9 - Please do not visit again for a few months. I don't know if I can take it.


Swistle said...

Please tell me we will not be like this when we are MILs. I mean, how do women turn out like your MIL and my MIL? Were they awful when they were our age, too, or did they change at some point? Mine does all this crap, too, including trying to handle discipline.

Anonymous said...

Ugh! You MIL and Swistle's MIL ought to get together for coffee sometime. Sounds like they'd get along swimmingly.

I'm so sorry you had to put up with such a shrew for the whole weekend. Hopefully, it'll be a good long while before you have to do it again.

Jess said...

As I read each of these, I was SURE that I could not be more infuriated than I already was. And then I read the next one and discovered that I was wrong. She would be DEAD if I had to deal with her. How do you DO IT? My god, you are a SAINT.

Also, I have the same question as Swistle. How do they become this evil, and can we break the cycle?

Anonymous Her said...

I don't know how they became this way. I hope that I am a wonderful MIL. I certainly have an example of what NOT to do.

jen said...

I could publish a list of crap my MIL says too but then I'd be too enraged to think! Though most of it is stupid petty crap I ignore because I like her in general he he.

I hope their flight has long since taken off!

Fine For Now said...

My mother is going to be that mother-in-law and it sucks because husband's parents are saints.

dramamama said...

OMG! Our MIL's could be the same freaking person!!!