We're going to visit the inlaws soon!!! ACK! ACK! ACK!
There's so much potential for things that could cheese MIL off that it's hard to think of anything else when I think of the visit.
Us spending time with my sister will certainly annoy her. Politics is most definitely OFF limits. Preschool is out most likely - last time she told me how lazy mothers who stay home are always so eager to send their kids to other people. (AFTER I told her I was thinking of signing up Eenie for preschool. ) *sigh*
Meenie's paci will likely lead to some annoying conversations, as will any potty accidents Eenie has and Miney's refusal to take a bottle. I can only hope and pray they are good in church (they won't be.) or I will have to hear comments about that too.
I will likely have to listen to rants on her job that she loves to complain about, people she loves to gossip about and all the things she's done right and everyone else has done wrong. I will probably also have to hear about approximately 4 people who have "gotten fat" and 3 of her friends who have grand kids who are allowed to spend the night ALL THE TIME and how great it is for THEM and they don't MISS OUT on ANYTHING. Subtle.
On the plus side, if I don't go crazy with rage or boredom, I will have plenty to blog about when I get back. On the minus side, we don't leave here till the 21st and that means it's close enough to worry about but too far away to be almost over.
That sucks! We were going to my inlaws for holiday but d lost his job so we really shouldn't be traveling. Thank goodness my family is coming to us!
Are you and Swistle sisters-in-law? Because I am pretty sure you and she have the same MIL.
hah! i was thinking the same thing as misty. times like these i'm THRILLED not to be married ;-P
kristen - I'm so sorry!! I'll email you.
Misty and Alice - I wish! That would be a plus in the inlaw world for sure. lol
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