Thursday, September 11, 2008

My birthday

I love giving gifts. Shopping for that perfect little thing that fits so and so just right. I have 3 boxes on my counter right now, just waiting to go out. Two just because, one for a birthday.
They are all carefully selected, and a lot of thought went into them.
I really enjoy finding the right thing for the right person.

So, while I immensely appreciate birthday or holiday gifts in any form - I always feel grateful and a little sad at the same time. I almost always get gift cards or money for gifts.
I know, I know. How terrible.

I just wish that there was someone in my life who was really thoughtful about picking out just the right thing for me. I know that you can buy whatever you like with gift cards and with money, but very little thought goes into them. Especially when you get them year after year.

Yes, I'm an ungrateful bitch. I know.


Marie Green said...

No, I think one of your top "love languages" is probably Gifts. Perfectly normal and reasonable.

(Have you read that book? Religious commentary aside, I found it really helpful in understanding my husband. He enjoyed hearing about it too- though HE didn't actually read it.)

Jess said...

It makes sense to me. Even though "it's the thought that counts" is usually just a way of making someone feel better about an unfortunate gift choice, it's TRUE. The thought that goes into a gift IS an important aspect of it.

Anonymous Her said...

Yes - I loved that book. Gifts is one of my top love languages, but I still feel shallow. *sigh*

Misty said...

I wouldn't feel shallow or like an ungrateful bitch. What you are wanting is not an actually physical 'present', per se. I think what you want is for someone to look at you very carefully and give you something that is completely attuned to you and what you would like. It is the process of choosing the gift that is so much more important than what is in the box. A gift like that says, "I know you well enough to know what you love. I know you well enough to know what makes you tick."

So, I completely understand.

Anonymous Her said...

I think what you want is for someone to look at you very carefully and give you something that is completely attuned to you and what you would like. It is the process of choosing the gift that is so much more important than what is in the box. A gift like that says, "I know you well enough to know what you love. I know you well enough to know what makes you tick."

Misty - you explained that perfectly. I'm going to send it to AnonHim so he finally understands what I'm talking about.